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  • Shih Tzu In Car

    How to Solve Shih Tzus Fear of Car Rides

    Your Shih Tzu may love a ride in the car or may fear it considerably. The fear of being cooped up in a vehicle that is traveling far faster than they can run may be quite concerning to many dogs, including Shih Tzus. But there are ways that dog owners can help their pooches overcome […] More

  • Would Your Solo Shih Tzu Benefit from a Sibling?

    Would Your Solo Shih Tzu Benefit from a Sibling?

    The thought of leaving your shih tzu alone at home for hours at a time is not an appealing one. Even if the shih tzu seems fine, being alone is something that bothers many humans, so they believe their dogs should have companions as well. If you have seen signs that your shih tzu needs […] More

  • Dealing with a Stubborn Shih Tzu

    Dealing with a Stubborn Shih Tzu

    Is your shih tzu a stubborn one? While it may not be comforting to know that you are not the only one who has to deal with a stubborn shih tzu on a daily basis. This attribute is not surprising given that shih tzus are quite loyal and loving dogs that have traits which can […] More

  • Should I Get Littermates?

    Should I Get Litter-mates?

    It depends on who you ask, but for the most part littermates are not seen as a positive addition to the home for your dog. In fact, most dog trainers will tell you have littermates are not something you should willingly want to have in your home. The reasons for keeping littermates are rather obvious. […] More

  • Raising Shih Tzu Puppy

    15 Simple and Effective Steps to Raise Your Puppy

    Congratulations! You now have a puppy to raise. And while there will be much joy and happiness in your household, there are also responsibilities you will need to address. What follows are 15 effective steps towards raising your puppy the right way. Visit with the Vet Going to the vet is a great way to […] More

  • Fun Games

    10 Fun Games to Play with Your Shih Tzu

    Playing games with your shih tzu can keep them healthy both mentally and physically. This is particularly true when you play new games with them. Here are ten games that are perfect for your shih tzu to play. Agility Challenge You’ve seen them on TV at dog shows and events. And, you can make one […] More

  • Fun Activities Dogs

    10 Ways to Bond with Your Shih Tzu

    There is no experience quite like bonding with a new shih tzu, so you want to get off to a good start by doing what works. What follows are 10 ways you can bond with your shih tzu the right way. Create a Schedule Routines are the heart of the bonding process. The more your […] More

  • Separation Anxiety in Shih Tzus

    Separation Anxiety in Shih Tzus

    As someone who loves your shih tzus, seeing separation anxiety in your dogs can be a difficult experience to deal with on a daily basis. This is because there are times that you cannot be with your shih tzu, but your shih tzu wants to be with you. Shih tzus are pretty smart, so they […] More

  • Most Popular Shih Tzu Training Methods

    Most Popular Shih Tzu Training Methods

    If your shih tzu has issues that need to be corrected. Or, you want to establish new behaviors that are positive. Then you are in luck because there are professional training methods that have been proven to be effective. Plus, you can learn and employ many of them yourself without the need for a professional […] More

  • Dog Training Mistakes

    8 Common Mistakes Owners Make When Training Their Shih Tzu

    You can’t wait to start training your shih tzu, but you may get off to the wrong start if you do not use the right methods. What follows are eight common mistakes that many owners make when trying to train their shih tzus. Avoiding these mistakes will help you train them the right way. Confusing […] More

  • Shih Tzu Tricks

    10 Fun Tricks You Can Teach Any Shih Tzu

    You may not think your shih tzu can learn any new tricks, especially if you have tried before and it hasn’t worked. However, there are at least 10 fun tricks that you can teach your shih tzu if you use the right methods and have a little patience. Bark While you may not care for […] More

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